Stay at one of these stylish hotels in Barcelona, suitable for travelers on different budget levels.
Reykjavik, Iceland
Rome hotels for every travel personality.
Top 5 places that offer a true slice of Naples.
Celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's 60 years as England's reigning monarch.
Be prepared to be wowed by this unique island country.
After gaining popularity as a resort town favored by French royalty, Biarritz grew more cosmopolitan, attracting jet setters and gaining a reputation as "the queen of beaches and beach of kings."
Viewing the world from a riverboat is as intimate as you can get with a waterway and the world around it.
Leeds, England to Paris, France
Renowned for its beautiful beaches, charming villages and rugged interior terrain, the island of Crete draws nearly one quarter of all visitors to Greece.
To experience the town and beaches of Seignosse in Southwestern France is like encountering the incongruous blending of a Brother's Grimm fairy tale with Beach Blanket Bingo.
Watch Andrew Zimmern cook a traditional Munchen Sauerkraut Dinner . Then prepare the dish in your own kitchen.
Bottoms up as we take a tour of Scotland's best distilleries where malt masters carry on the country's age-old whisky tradition.
Fans of English football: whether you're in London to catch the FA Cup Final or to root for your favorite team, catch a match at one of these stadiums.
See's picks for the best events to help travelers enjoy the London Olympic Summer Games, including the London 2012 Festival.