There are a variety of resorts willing to cater to your fitness goals.
Train for a marathon while raising money for a good cause.
Check out historic walking tours that will nourish your body and mind.
A recent study reveals the benefits of spending several days in Swedish nature.
Health and wellness are trending in paradise.
Perfect your maker skills on a DIY vacation.
Find inner peace on these National Park trails.
Here are some simple steps you can take to stay fit while traveling.
Ditch that bedspread, for starters.
Relax and rejuvenate at Croatia's best spas.
Check out the top 10 places to accidentally pick up bedbugs.
Munduk Moding Plantation is tucked away where the average tourist does not goand is committed to living in tandem with it’s natural surroundings and culture.
Bask in Florida's steamier side at one of these sexy spas.
Which spas should I visit if I'm in Palm Springs, CA?
Discover our picks for the 5 trendiest destinations of 2013.
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