Baggage Battles: Indianapolis Pictures
The auction specialists head to the Midwest to bid on bags, antiques and sports memorabilia at Indianapolis’s annual auction.

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Indianapolis has been called "The Crossroads of America," in large part due to the volume of travelers who fly through the Indianapolis International Airport. Its annual auction is a must-attend event for Billy, Mark, Sally and Laurence.
The Indianapolis International Airport averages 140 non-stop flights to over 30 destinations, more than 20,000 travelers, and 5 million pounds of baggage and property daily. Once a year, hundreds of items go up for sale, from unclaimed luggage to property from all around the city.
Billy and the Baggage Battles team arrive in Indianapolis to outbid each other, as well as the hundreds of locals, on items such as luggage, antiques and sports memorabilia.
Billy and Mark look happy now, but just wait until they go head-to-head in the auction.
Billy inspects an airplane engine that is up for auction. Wonder what he would do with that piece of machinery?
Sally and Laurence survey the items that are up for auction during the preview period. The bidders are usually given an hour to go through all the lots.
The Baggage Battles crew shoots Mark as he goes through the preview. Mark seems to have his eye on some sports memorabilia.
Laurence gets silly with the airplane engine. Are he and Billy going to get in a bidding war over it?
One of the auctioneers showcases an antique music player that is available. It piques the interest of our auction specialists.
Billy begins to sort through his winning items -- suitcases and a bag of jewelry.
One of our auction specialists took home the antique music player. Tune in to find out who the lucky (or not so-lucky) bidder was.
Mark sorts through his 'won' box of sunglasses hoping to find some valuable pieces.
Sally and Laurence are excited to have won the green vintage suitcase they had their eye on during the preview. Does it hold any treasures?