Josh Gates Goes to Roswell
July 2017 marked the 70th anniversary of one of the most mysterious and controversial events in American history: the alleged crash landing of an unknown object in the New Mexico desert. Since the incident in 1947, Roswell, New Mexico, has become a magnet for extraterrestrial enthusiasts alike, and Expedition Unknown host Josh Gates joined them for a very special Roswell UFO Festival commemorating the still unsolved (as far as we know) mystery.

Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Photo By: Gilles Mingasson
Roswell UFO Museum
The International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico, includes exhibits related to the Roswell crash and alien-related art.
Roswell UFO Museum
The museum dedicated to all-things-extraterrestrial has played host to the annual UFO Festival in Roswell for more than 20 years.
Strange Museum Visitors
One of the UFO Museum’s most impressive displays includes moving, lifelike creatures from another planet.
Greetings, Earthling
Other UFO Museum exhibits feature art and interpretations of what extraterrestrial life outside of Earth might look like.
Man Down
This exhibit at the International UFO Museum and Research Center imagines what one of the alleged creatures found at the Roswell crash site might have looked like.
Photo Opp
Because aliens need snack breaks, too, right?
Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner
Josh Gates gets comfortable with other “visitors” at the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico.
The UFO Museum also serves as a research center for alien enthusiasts and skeptics. Exhibits like these with newspaper clippings from reported sightings provide comprehensive timelines of encounters with extraterrestrial life.
Alien Experiments
Many Roswell enthusiasts maintain that the U.S. government recovered alien beings from the Roswell wreckage and performed autopsies and other experiments on them in secret.
Roswell Mania
Signs around town show just how much of a hotbed of alien interest Roswell has become since the incident more than 70 years ago.
Roswell Mania
Signs around town show just how much of a hotbed of alien interest Roswell has become since the incident more than 70 years ago.
I Want to Believe
Josh Gates meets a handful of the green visitors at the annual Roswell Festival.
A Sighting in Roswell
Behind you, sir!
Close Encounter of the Brrr Kind
Josh Gates agrees to participate in an ice bucket challenge at the Roswell Festival.
The annual Roswell Festival also includes a pet costume contest.
Welcome to Roswell
Many of the visitors at the festival go to great lengths with their costumes and props.
“Make the Universe Great Again”
Participants at the annual parade portion of the festival carry light-up, DIY props and custom hats.
Roswell Festival Parade
Marchers simulate an alien being operated on for the annual evening parade.
Light the Way
Josh Gates crashes the annual Roswell Festival parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Roswell incident.
Friendly Interpretation
Two of the fest’s younger participants imagine what alien life might look like for the annual costume contest.
Safety First
This participant in the annual costume contest took a slightly more classic approach with his interpretation of an extraterrestrial.
Bigger is Better
Aliens probably have ventriloquist skills, too, right?
Decisions, Decisions
Josh Gates helps to judge the annual costume contest at the Roswell Festival.
Points for Creativity
Josh Gates and the other judges prepare to announce the winner of the annual costume contest.
We Want to Believe
Josh Gates gathers with a group of contestants at the Roswell Festival’s annual costume contest.