Ghost Adventures: Hellfire Caves Pictures
Go behind the scenes as Zak, Nick & Aaron travel to West Wycombe, 30 miles outside of London, England, to explore the Hellfire Caves that once served as a dark meeting place for past English royalty.

Hellfire Caves
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In 1790, a secret society known as the Hellfire Club would meet in the caves. Rumored to indulge in pagan rituals and orgies, its members included many of Great Britain's leaders and politicians, led by Sir Francis Dashwood.
Sir Edward Dashwood, a relative of Sir Francis Dashwood, shares more about the storied history of the Hellfire Club.
With a little help from "Lady Snake," Zak and the guys carry out a pagan ritual deep in the caves.
Another famous member was Paul Whitehead, who served as secretary to the Hellfire Club. After his death, he left his heart in an urn to Sir Francis Dashwood who put it in the caves.
Zak learns that former and present employees of the caves swear they've seen the spirit of Paul Whitehead wander around in the catacombs.
The tunnels bury directly below the St. Lawrence Church.
Pagan rituals where believed to include sacrifices and animal head masks.
The guys toured London's Whitechapel neighborhood, the place where Jack the Ripper committed his murders.
People have claimed to hear demonic growls while inside the caves.
Some think the caves were meant to be "tunnels to hell."
The guys interview a local bar patron.
Nick and the guys learn of a girl named Sukie who was murdered in the caves.
Some people claim to see a woman in a white dress roam the caves, and they believe it's Sukie's spirit.
There are pagan monuments throughout the cave, including its Inner Temple.