Ghost Adventures: Nevada State Prison
Ghost Adventures heads to Carson City to investigate the Nevada State Prison. Once a nightmare for inmates and guards alike, the now-closed prison raises the bar to new, frightening levels for Zak Bagans and his crew.

Nevada State Prison
The "Ghost Adventures" crew at the Nevada State Prison, which closed its doors in 2012. Since 1862, the prison was home to countless inmates who committed treacherous crimes. The crew has arrived to further investigate if their darkened spirits still remain.
Zak Bagans at the Nevada State Prison
Zak Bagans on the Nevada State Prison grounds.
Nevada State Prison
The Nevada State Prison yard where many riots occurred while the prison was operating.
Dennis Williams at the Nevada State Prison
Dennis Williams is interviewed by the crew outside of the Nevada State Prison. Williams worked at the prison for 28 years and endured being shot, stabbed and a shattered kneecap during his time as an employee.
Nevada State Prison
A Nevada State Prison guard tower and license plate factory where inmates worked during their sentence.
Former Nevada State Prison Director Glen Whorton
Former Nevada State Prison Director, Glen Whorton, is interviewed by the "Ghost Adventures" crew. While working for the prison Whorton was witness to eight lethal injections.
"The Hole" at the Nevada State Prison
This area was where prisoners were sent to for solitary confinement. People affiliated with the prison referred to it as "The Hole."
Inside "The Hole" at the Nevada State Prison
The interior of "The Hole."
Solitary Confinement at the Nevada State Prison
A mechanism to bring down food to prisoners who were in solitary confinement during their sentence at the Nevada State Prison.
Curt Thomas at the Nevada State Prison
Curt Thomas recounts the 15 years he spent working at the Nevada State Prison in an interview with the crew. He has written a book about the history of the prison titled the "History of the Nevada State Prison."
Ex-inmate Randy Howard at the Nevada State Prison
Randy Howard, an ex-inmate at the Nevada State Prison, tells Zak about the shower room that remains haunted. A prisoner was allegedly murdered in this room by another prisoner.
Shower Room in the Nevada State Prison
A shower room in the Nevada State Prison that remains haunted by a prisoner who was allegedly murdered in this room.
Nevada State Prison
A prison hallway in the Nevada State Prison. The prison was active up until 2012 and still is used sometimes for capital executions.
Nevada State Prison Cafeteria Rules
A list of rules and regulations for the Nevada State Prison cafeteria. These became necessary as this area became a frequent place for prison riots.
Prison Cell at the Nevada State Prison
One of the many prison cells at the Nevada State Prison.
Nevada State Prison's Execution Room
Stairs leading up to Nevada State Prison's execution room. The cast and crew were not allowed through the door as the room is still used for executions today.