10 Things You Don't Know About Samantha Brown

Think you're Sam's biggest fan? Know everywhere she's been? Well, here are 10 things you probably don't know about our Travel Goddess, Sam Brown.
candid headshot of samantha brown

candid headshot of samantha brown

Think you're Samantha Brown's biggest fan? Have you watched her travel the world for the last decade?

Our travel goddess shares 10 things you probably don't know about her:

1: I always bring a book of poetry with me -- usually Robert Frost or Mary Oliver.

2: I always travel with a jar of peanut butter.

3: I brown bag it even when I'm flying first-class. It's my last chance to eat something homemade.

4:. I get terrible homesickness. Usually when I first wake up in the morning but only for about an hour

5: On my resume I have under special skills "professional Blimp photographer." A blimp crashed on my building in NYC on the 4th of July 1992. I was on the roof sunbathing and snapped one picture of it, which I sent to the Associated Press. Time Magazine and USA Today bought the image so I made about $300. Thereby earning me professional photog status!

6: If I wasn't doing what I am doing, I would own a little breakfast place where I would be on a first-name basis with all my customers. I would wear cute aprons and go around to all my tables with a carafe of coffee at my hip asking if they wanted "some more Joe."

7: When I was a little girl my mom would tell me the story of how I was a bear cub she found in the woods. I would sometimes search our backyard in New Hampshire looking for my bear mom and dad, worried that they were missing me. If I wasn't getting along with my sisters or parents I was certain it was because I was a bear and they were not.

8: My biggest regret is that I never did a sport in high school. I was too scared of failing.

9: I still play my favorite video game from the '80s: Galaga.

10: What I love most about travel is feeling like a fish out of water. I love being the person in the room who looks and sounds like no one else. The challenge of seeing where I fit in and how I can make a connection with people who are completely different than me is absolutely thrilling.

MORE: Spend a Day With Samantha Brown:

A Day With Sam Brown
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