Face Your Fear
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About the Show

Paranormal pioneer Bob Magill and empathic investigator Tina Storer help victims of the most severe hauntings in America reclaim their sense of peace and control. After conducting their own paranormal investigation, Bob and Tina use sensory deprivation and immersion therapy to elevate a client's fear level to draw out the entity and force a supernatural reckoning. By confronting their worst fears head on, Bob and Tina believe the living can overpower the negative forces around them.

Behind the Scenes

Sensory Deprivation, Spirits & Scares: Why the Ghost Bait Method is Effective

Are you willing to become the bait? Considering the intensity (and controversial nature) of the series, we caught up with host Bob Magill to let him shed some light on the infamous, blinding hood.

About the Hosts

Bob Magill and Tina Storer

Bob Magill and Tina Storer take on frightening, personal hauntings in America in the cult-classic 'Ghost Bait'.

Meet Bob and Tina

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