7 Best Places to Hike in Tuscany
People flock to Tuscany's "year-round coast" in the summer months for wine and food tourism, but you'll also find solitude here in nature.

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Photo By: Kassondra Cloos
Photo By: Kassondra Cloos
Photo By: Kassondra Cloos
Photo By: Kassondra Cloos
Photo By: Kassondra Cloos
Photo By: Kassondra Cloos
Photo By: Kassondra Cloos
Forte Falcone
Padule di Fucecchio
Monte Amiata
Citta del Tufo, Sovana
The ancient Etruscans carved canyons into soft rock thousands of years ago, sometimes more than 20 feet deep. These paths, called Vie Cave, connect necropolises and temples, like this one, and are pitted with caves carved into the walls. Archaeologists don't know exactly why the Etruscans went to such lengths to carve these roads, but if one thing is clear, it's that there's lots more we've yet to discover.
In 2004, a rainstorm caused a mudslide that revealed an elaborate tomb and stone sculptures just a few hundred yards from this temple, and there are likely scores more ruins waiting to be found just beneath the surface. Start at the archaeological park Citta del Tufo, then wander along the adjacent Via Cava to marvel at ancient engineering. There's something to be said for experiencing something spiritual like this on your own, but consider hiring a local guide, if you can. You'll appreciate having someone along who can answer your inevitable questions.