This Couple Got Married at Bonnaroo
Imagine tying the knot at your favorite place in the company of loved ones and...thousands of complete strangers?

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Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
Photo By: Jessica Yonker
By the Power Invested in Me...and Reddit
Melanie and Ryan met at work and instantly clicked. "I basically moved in," said Melanie. When the couple attended Bonnaroo together, they immediately knew they wanted to exchange vows there. Four months before the festival, Melanie and John quickly found an officiant on a Dudeism subreddit, then later extended an invitation for the Sunday evening ceremony to the Bonnaroo subreddit.
The Plan
"I'm just ready to be married," Melanie said. She'd spent days leading up to Bonnaroo returning messages and wrangling guests for the ceremony, set to go on in between sets at the What Stage.
"Who Wants to Be in a Wedding?"
Melanie and Ryan's friends arrived on the scene and just as quickly as they arrived, disappeared into the crowd to round up fellow Roo'ers to participate in the ceremony.
"That Was Fast."
Within five minutes, their friends returned with a small army of guests for the wedding. Melanie and John ran a quick rehearsal and passed around wedding poppers to their newfound friends.
Festival Wedding Fashion
We loved Melanie's dainty flower crown and jewel-toned glitter.
Chris, Our Humble Officiant
When Chris mentioned he had planned to wear something more formal he was immediately met with a chorus of "nahs."
Exchanging Vows at Bonnaroo
"You can feel the love in the air," Chris' opening remarks began, echoing Bonnaroo's "Radiate Positivity" motto. "And sometimes people call it 'free love' but I don't think that's quite right. I think we earn it. I think we earn it every day, by living in the world, by doing our jobs, by working just so we can get back here."
Love Letters
Melanie and Ryan wrote letters to each other, exchanged them and then read them aloud to each other. They very appropriately chose song lyrics: Melanie used the opportunity to Rick Roll her future husband (and everyone nearby) while Ryan chose selections from The Carpenters.
"Bring It In"
As the ceremony went on, it began to attract the attention of other festivalgoers, creating a large crowd around Melanie and Ryan just in time for them to exchange rings.
First Kiss
Finally, Ryan and Melanie get to share their first kiss as husband and wife.
The crowd roared in celebration as the guests fired off streamers in perfect unison.
Sweet Victory
The ecstatic couple cheered, firing up the crowd all over again.
Free Hugs
The bride and groom passed out hugs to friends and new friends after the ceremony.
Making it Official
After a brief disappearance, the couple's witness returned to sign the wedding documents.
Congrats to Melanie and Ryan!
And Happy Roo!