Postcard From Lollapalooza

Chicago, IL
Wylie Gelber is the bassist for Dawes, an American rock band from Los Angeles. On Friday, July 7, 2012 they traveled to Chicago, Illinois to play at the Lollapalooza music festival. Check out a video of them playing.
The best way to travel here is: Not by plane at 6 a.m, if you don't have to.
I stayed at: The Holiday Inn Express at the Chicago International Airport.
When it comes to packing: Always go with the "rolling technique."
The best thing I ate was: Lollapallooza-edition boxed water was about all I had time for?!
I wish I hadn't: Absolutely HAD to leave before Sabbath.
Don't miss: Black Sabbath under any circumstances...I know that now.
Next time I will definitely: Not wear a flannel shirt.
My favorite part of the trip was: Trying to convince the staff of lollapalooza to let me drive the golf carts.
My advice would be: Never underestimate Chicago, Illinois.