GateGuru Review

Category: Travel
Cost/Platforms: Free for Apple devices.
Overall Rating:
Lots of function for nothing:
Fun and easy to use:
Solves travel need or challenge:
Make the most of the airport experience
Why we like it -- GateGuru offers comprehensive information on more than 115 (mostly US) airports, so you can quickly find services, retailers and restaurants you need -- or those you need to avoid. The service also benefits from an active base of user-reviewers -- many of whom rate establishments with the discerning eye of the frequent traveler.
You can also use the app to check-in, view your TripIt folders and bookmark favorite airport amenities.
Improvements we'd like to see -- The app relies on users to log the wait times for security checkpoints, so this feature often lacks timely content. International airport coverage is weak. And if you don’t know which terminal your airline uses and you’d like to do some pre-airport planning, you have to fish around for that information before using the app.
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