Haunted Destination: Mackay Mansion

Dave Schmidt, flickr
Virginia City, NV
Johnny Depp sees dead people -- here, at the Mackay Mansion. Built in 1860, the Italianate-style mansion was once the home of one of Virginia City’s “silver kings” who made his fortune on the Comstock Lode -- the first major discovery of silver ore in the US. Wander through the restored rooms of John Mackay’s old home -- now a museum -- and you may not find yourself alone. When Johnny Depp stayed at the mansion while filming Dead Man, a little girl dressed in all-white paid him a visit. Others have heard her playing in one of the upstairs rooms … and have also spotted a colonel sitting in the kitchen … and a woman making endless rushed trips up and down the stairs, crossing off items on her eternal “to-do” list. For more on the Mackay Mansion’s hauntings, catch the “Blood and Gold” episode of the Dead Files, premiering Friday, June 15, at 10|9c.