Top 5 Proposal-Popping Trends
Then you may be surprised to hear that times, they are a-changin’. It’s a new world, and with it comes new ways of doing the most basic things: ordering groceries, tackling holiday shopping, planning vacations -- and even proposing marriage.
We talked to Anja Winikka, managing editor and wedding expert at The Knot, for some current trends in popping the big question.
1. Flash Mobs

Kat Tuohy Photography, Flash Mob America
If you prefer to go it alone, it’s best to stage your mob proposal in a bustling public place, such as a park, shopping area or event venue. Some examples of past flash-mob-proposal sites include the Prudential Center in Boston, Pier 39 in San Francisco, Market Square in Pittsburgh, Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City, the St. Louis Zoo in St. Louis and Union Square Park in New York City.
But just remember, things can get a little ... tricky when you organize a public event. One proposal, for example, in September 2011 took place at Disneyland with a cadre of professional dancers, but the moment almost got quashed because of a lack of permits. With some explanation (and understanding park officials), the would-be groom still managed to make it happen.
2. Disneyland or Disney World

Nicole Escano
And why not? Disney’s theme parks offer a unique mix of childhood nostalgia and adult adventure, with no shortage of opportunities to be different. One My Proposal Story, for example, recounts a proposal by caricature, with the unsuspecting would-be bride learning of her boyfriend’s intentions when the artist drawing their photo turned the picture around to reveal him on bended knee and her crying “Yes!” (We wish we’d thought of that, actually.)
3. Destination Proposals

For that reason, you might consider a group trip to Yellowstone National Park (camping! hiking!), Savannah, GA (great restaurants! incredible architecture!), Washington, DC (free museums! tons of hotels!), San Antonio (The Alamo! SeaWorld!) or Myrtle Beach (beaches! golf!). Also be sure to check out our Memorable Places to Propose for other ideas.
4. Holiday Proposals

Well, if the sparkle and excitement of the holidays creates just the right setting for proposing marriage, you may find yourself on bended knee among fellow revelers in New York City, Las Vegas or Orlando, traditionally popular year-end destinations. Alternately, based on 2012 data, you may also be considering your proposal in a setting somewhere in Miami, Los Angeles, Cancun, San Francisco or Honolulu. (Darn!)
5. Recording the Moment

Costin Thampikutty, flickr
With cameras now on every phone -- cameras that are as good, if not better, than their standalone counterparts -- it’s not surprising that the moment he or she pops the question will be recorded for posterity. With social media's inroads into almost every aspect of our lives, it's also no surprise that proposals are no longer entirely private moments; couples want them documented to relive in the future or share with friends and family. “Documenting is so huge,” says The Knot’s Winikka, “people are hiring a photographer or videographer, or else asking a friend to take pictures.”
If you’re going to go to all that trouble, why not choose a place that is as beautiful as the moment? Judging from couples’ guest-starring role on photo-sharing sites, then, your top choices are Thailand’s Siam Paragon, Disneyland, Times Square, the Eiffel Tower and the Santa Monica Pier.
With these creative and fresh ideas, your true love just may answer with a resounding, “YES!”