Travel Tales: Thoughts on Egypt

Thoughts and comments on the situation in Egypt.

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As thousands take to the streets to protest in Egypt, people all over the world are being affected by the unrest. Travelers looking to evacuate are stranded in airports, and vacationers looking to catch a glimpse of the pyramids are quickly rethinking their travel plans. We checked out some of the most popular social media sites to see what people had to say about the unrest in Egypt. Some in Egypt have even turned to Google and Twitter’s new voicemail-turned-tweet service to help make sure their voices are heard. The service allows people in Egypt to send Twitter messages by calling a phone number and recording a voicemail. Below are some of the many comments people chose to share about the developing situation.
RT@bencnn Egypt is being pushed to the brink. Economy is collapsing, infrastructure paralyzed, communications strangled. #Jan25 #Egypt

RT@TravelGov#Egypt Those requesting evac will sign agreement 2 reimburse USG 4 flight costs @ later date. Flight costs equivalent to commerical flight.

Seeing what’s happening in Egypt on the TV, I think back to when we made our show there. The price of flour had just gone up and there had been bread riots recently. The army, someone told me, controlled bread distribution. And bread makes up as much as 70% of the average Egyptian’s daily diet (more by some accounts). We wanted to shoot “ful”, the all-too-typical working man’s breakfast for much of Egypt; a watery plate of chick peas and broth, accompanied by a stack of flatbread–usually sold in the street. But our government handler wouldn’t allow it. So our resourceful producer feigned an emergency need for a bathroom and distracted him while we quickly snapped off a quick ful scene. I get what it was all about, now. This humble, dirt cheap, but filling breakfast was (as the government was all too aware) all that stood between maintaining a hated and corrupt status quo–and the uprising we are seeing now. They were afraid. And what they were afraid of has come to pass. What’s next? It certainly doesn’t bode well for us that we’ve been supporting and arming a particular despicable (but obliging) character. Let’s hope the new guys–whoever they are– don’t hold a grudge.

Siobhan E: "I was going to study in Egypt next semester but now i don't think i will be able to."

Naomi P: "My husband is on a ship in the suiz cannal,I hope they don't close it so he can get home quicker to his family:("

Brian M: "It is affecting travel plans for my wife and I. We are supposed to be going to Egypt, Israel and Jordan for three weeks next Jan. We aren't sure if we are going to have to cancel and go somewhere else instead."

Sarah D: "The lack of communication is killing my Egyptian friend. He's living in Vancouver, BC, and his entire family is in Cairo right now. He heard from them 2 days ago, and it wasn't pretty (His Dad and uncle were defending their family/building with guns, sticks and knives). There's been no contact since then, and the fact that Al Jazeera went dark is frustrating, since they were the best source of news on the scene. He feels really helpless right now."

Kimme J: "I hope they are able to protect their past and their treasures. It will be a sad day for the world if the museums are destroyed and all that history gets stolen."

Riley D: "Personally, as an activist for human rights, I actually wish I was in Egypt to witness this historic moment."
Paola P: @travelchannel me! We had everything for a trip in two weeks, can't contact the agency there.

Sasha M: @travelchannel One of my readers commented that their parents just left Egypt yesterday, but they had a gd trip and never felt in danger.

Paul R: @travelchannel My parent's first trip there is likely cancelled. They are bummed! Scheduled for March 31 - April 12.
susanchamplin: 76-year-old American woman trapped in her Cairo apt with thugs outside; "I have my rolling pin—I'm prepared." #Egypt #MSNBC

HinesvilleGA RT @cnnbrk: Americans urged to depart #Egypt while charters still available.

norabf: this is how we do. RT @justimagine Caught a rock to the head thrown by a thug, ain't no thing. The revolution continues. #Egypt

Lanitao: My visa for #cairo #egypt to see the pyramids. Glad I went before #jan25

Sharifkouddous: There's a crackdown on journalists. We almost got thrown out by army walking by checkpoint on outskirts of Tahrir #egypt

VoorheesMyc: I really love this whole #tweetspeak idea, especially in #Egypt right now

ManarMohsen: At an army check point in Ramsees for the past 2 hours. Soldier told us we can't leave till he gets the ok from his superior. Great. #Egypt

n8fr8: hope journos in #Egypt carrying flip cams + smartphones as backups to their high-end gear that is (apparently) being confiscated

stand4haq: People power is sweeping the Middle East! There are moments when history is written not by the powerful, but by people. #Egypt
CNN iReport Video: Departures at Cairo Airport
Expatme: Just people everywhere

Watch expatme’s video >>>
agmancuso: "My husband and I were tourists in Egypt starting Friday, January 28th. We escaped on Monday, January 31st. It was one of the scariest events in our lives. I am glad to be away and feel sorry for the Egyptian people."

k8shep: "I left Egypt yesterday on a commercial flight to Germany. As a US citizen, I chose not to stay, but many of my friends did. These are images from the airport as I was waiting to get on my flight. The Egyptian authorities at the airport should be commended for their organization and their helpfulness despite the thousands of people wanting answers from them. The man who checked me in had been at work for over 24 hours.
I can't wait to get back to a democratic, peaceful Egypt."

expatme: "We got told to get on the plane as it was leaving 2h earlier due to the curfew, and then once we were sitting in the plane we had to wait the 2h before taking off, to make sure the plane was full and all the people that were at the airport could get on as without internet and telephones people couldn't check in online or see the flight time change. and i suppose it was a way to empty the airport a bit."

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