Crystal Martin
Vice President, Travel Channel Digital
With more than 20 years of digital experience in the cable industry, Jodi manages TravelChannel.com and a team of talented producers that creates engaging and interactive content for all platforms. This content consists of show extensions; points of interest for the Travel Channel Cities app; topical and destination-based articles and photo galleries; and successful franchises such as the Traveling Type blog, Daily Escape, Travel’s Best lists and TravelChannel.com Originals.
Jodi previously served as a digital content producer for Discovery Communications. After launching Discovery.com in 1994, she contributed to Expeditions Live, TLC.com, AnimalPlanet.com, DiscoveryKids.com, DiscoveryHealth.com, FitTV.com, MilitaryChannel.com and DiscoveryTimes.com.
Jodi holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from West Virginia University. She’s a wife and the proud mom of 2 teenage daughters, Shelby and Casey, and likes to spend her downtime reading and planning her next travel adventure (Spain!).