The Layover: Amsterdam Pictures
Anthony Bourdain visits Amsterdam for the first time since his "misspent youth" and learns there's more to the city than the red light district. Check out these behind-the-scenes photos.

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The crew shoots Tony and Aziz, a local musician, eating pickled herring dipped in onions.
A boat ride that Tony enjoys because you "can actually go somewhere" in a boat in Amsterdam.
The crew films Tony walking the streets of Amsterdam with local musician Aziz.
Tony, Ron and Cees have dinner at Tempo Doeloe, one of the oldest and best Indonesian restaurants in Amsterdam.
Tony and Aziz eat pancakes, or "Pannekoeken," at the Upstairs Pancake House.
Tony attempts to feed a cat a piece of meatball.
Fresh off the train from the airport, Tony walks to Cafe Int Aepjen.
Ron takes Tony to one of his favorite local bars. Tony realizes it’s not a standard bar when the entire room begins singing classic Amsterdam drinking songs as the microphone is passed around among bar patrons.
The crew gets some extra shots of the Central Train Station in Amsterdam.
The chefs and owners of the Upstairs Pancake House cook in their tiny kitchen.
The crew shoots as Tony walks into Upstairs for some pancakes.
Tony and Ron talk about Amsterdam's past at Tempo Doeloe, a famous Indonesian restaurant.