Haunted Destination: Targoviste Castle

Wallachia, Romania
Vlad the Impaler -- known to us as Dracula -- ruled Wallachia, Romania, from Targoviste Castle in the 1400s. As his name might suggest, Vlad became notorious for his ruthless, gruesome treatment of his enemies. Commit a crime? Attempt to invade? Your head would probably end up on a stake -- proudly displayed for all to see to discourage anyone from disobeying Vlad. It’s believed that tens of thousands of people were impaled under his orders. Many claim to still hear voices and footsteps in the castle -- it’s no wonder that there still may be some lost souls in a place that once witnessed such brutal murders.
For more on the Targoviste Castle, tune in for a special Transylvania episode of Ghost Adventures next Thursday night -- Halloween! -- at 9|8c.