National Parks in New Mexico

Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Jemez Springs, New Mexico

The volcanic activity that formed the Jemez Mountains creates a mix of hot and cold pools, where hikers can relax.

Photo by: Jeremy Pawlowski

Jeremy Pawlowski

Aztec Ruins

National Monument, Aztec, NM


Photo by: Alberto Loyo / iStock / Thinkstock

Alberto Loyo / iStock / Thinkstock


National Monument, Los Alamos, NM

Bandelier National Monument

Bandelier National Monument

Less than 15 miles south of Los Alamos you'll find over 70 miles of maintained trails, tribal ruins, waterfalls and wildlife. It's all named after the Swiss-American archaeologist Adolph Bandelier, who researched the ancient Puebloan cultures that date back here over 10,000 years.

Photo by: Edward Stojakovic, flickr

Edward Stojakovic, flickr

Capulin Volcano

National Monument, Capulin, NM

Carlsbad Caverns

National Park, Carlsbad, NM

carlsbad caverns, new mexico, national park, family, outdoors and adventure

carlsbad caverns, new mexico, national park, family, outdoors and adventure

Check out the resident wildlife outside of the cave during the Bat Flight program, a free summertime special when nearly 400,000 Brazilian free-tail bats fly from Carlsbad Cavern at sunset to search for an insect-filled dinner.

Chaco Culture

National Historical Park, Nageezi, NM

New Mexico, Chaco Culture National Historical Park

New Mexico, Chaco Culture National Historical Park

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico contains the most expansive collection of ancient pueblos and ruins north of Mexico.

Photo by: Matthew Turley

Matthew Turley

El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro

National Historic Trail, NM and TX

El Malpais

National Monument, Grants, NM

El Morro

National Monument, Ramah, NM

El Morro National Monument

El Morro National Monument

El Morro National Monument towers over central New Mexico's desert landscape.

Fort Union

National Monument, Watrous, NM

Gila Cliff Dwellings

National Monument, Silver City, NM

Manhattan Project

National Historical Park, NM and TN, WA 

Old Spanish

National Historic Trail, NM and AZ, CA, CO, NV, UT


National Historical Park, Pecos, NM


National Monument, Albuquerque, NM

Salinas Pueblo Missions

National Monument, Mountainair, NM

Santa Fe

National Historic Trail, NM and CO, KS, MO, OK

Valles Caldera

National Preserve, Jemez Springs, NM

White Sands

National Monument, Alamogordo, NM

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Photo by: Guillaume Dutilh

Guillaume Dutilh

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