Breaking Borders: Mother of All Conflicts Pictures
Go behind the scenes of "Mother of All Conflicts" as journalist Mariana van Zeller and chef Michael Voltaggio travel to Israel and Palestine to take a closer look at how conflict has shaped the region.

Mother of All Conflicts
Mount of Olives
Journalist Mariana van Zeller and chef Michael Voltaggio look out to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, which holds religious prominence in the Jewish community. It's believed that, at the base of the mountain, where Jews are buried, God will redeem the deceased when the Messiah returns.
Welcome to Palestine
A welcome sign greets locals, tourists and pilgrims who are visiting the West Bank from Jerusalem.
Falafel for Lunch
Mariana takes a bite out of a falafel sandwich, a lunch staple in Israel that is served by countless street vendors and restaurants throughout the city. Related: Taste of Jerusalem
Grocery Shopping in Jerusalem
Michael and local fixer Sameer visit a local vegetable stand in Jerusalem. Michael took the day to shop for ingredients to prepare for the big dinner later that evening, when Israelis and Palestinians would dine together and talk about the age-old problems that face their 2 populations. Related Video: Michael Voltaggio Reflects on Jerusalem
Israel’s Peace Now
Mariana receives an overview of the latest happenings in Israel from Yariv Oppenheimer of Peace Now, an organization whose main goal is to promote peace in the country.
Israel's Hummus
Michael and Mariana enjoy a popular local dish, hummus. Later that day, they trek over to the Palestinian territory to sample hummus once more and see if there is any real difference. Related Video: Jerusalem's Hummus Conflict
Jaffa Gate
Built in 1538, the Jaffa Gate is the main entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem.
Jewish Cemetery
Michael and Mariana visit the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, which was established 3,000 years ago and is home to more than 70,000 tombs.
Overlooking the Mount of Olives
Michael gets a closer look at the Mount of Olives.
The Wall
Sameer explains the conflict to Michael and Mariana as they stand outside the wall separating Israel from Palestinian territory.