Sneak Peek: Josh Gates' Hunt for the Yeti
In the upcoming four-part Expedition Unknown: Hunt for the Yeti special, Josh Gates and his crew set out on an epic mission to investigate the folklore of the yeti, otherwise known as the abominable snowman. Here, get a sneak peek of Josh's travels through the blustery Himalayas, Nepal and Bhutan on his journey to uncover evidence to support the age-old tale.

'Expedition Unknown' Investigates the Yeti
Josh Gates is no stranger to the mysteries of the yeti -- or the Himalayan mountains. "There have been so many firsthand accounts of the Yeti, and several years ago, I had my own encounter," Josh said. "I discovered an unusual set of footprints high in the Himalayas. It was an incredible and confounding find."
Monster or Myth?
Josh examines an artifact from a Buddhist monastery in Pangboche, Nepal, which supporters claim to be the hand of the Pangboche Yeti.
An Epic Journey
Josh and the Expedition Unknown crew traveled far and wide throughout Nepal during their investigation, capturing sights of the Himalayas like this from Namche Bazaar, Nepal.
Pack Travelers
Donkeys of the crew's convoy cross a long susupension bridge high in the mountains in Nepal.
Long Road Ahead
Josh stands on the long suspension bridge that leads to Phadking, a stop on the way to Mt. Everest Base Camp.
Pit Stop
The crew and other travelers stop for a breather on their trek to Everest Base Camp in the heart of Namche Bazaar, Nepal.
Namche Bazaar
The Nepalese village of Namche Bazaar is the unofficial capital of Nepal and another major stop-off point for travelers making the trek to Everest Base Camp.
Don't Look Down
Josh repels down the side of a cliff towards a cave in search of any sign or evidence of the yeti in Nepal.
Possible Evidence?
The Expedition Unknown crew captures footage of Josh and his investigation partners, Adam Davies and Tul, as they examine animal footprints next to a river.
Yeti or Not?
Josh, Adam, and Tul take a closer look at the animal prints they've spotted.
Prayers for Josh
Traditional Tibetan prayer flags are scattered throughout the mountains of Nepal to bless the countryside.
Up Up and Away
A helicopter is one of Josh's many modes of transport throughout the four-part Hunt for the Yeti special.
The Trek Continues
The Expedition Unknown crew continues their journey through the mountains of Nepal in search of the yeti.
Everest Base Camp
They made it! (Josh Gates and the crew shot a Facebook Live from Everest Base Camp -- click here to watch the video on Travel Channel's Facebook page.)
Have You Seen the Yeti?
Josh talks with Pasang, an alleged yeti witness, at Everest Basecamp.
More Yeti Evidence
Josh examines an artifact that is believed by Khumjung villagers to be the scalp of a yeti.
Beautiful Bhutan
Josh visits a decorated Bhutanese temple during his travels throughout South Asia.
Bhutan Monastary
Monasteries are sacred Buddhist sites and can be found throughout Bhutan.
Yeti Sightings?
Josh Gates and Casey Anderson look around for any signs of the yeti in the forests of Bhutan.
Trap Camera
Josh Gates and Casey Anderson check footage from their trap camera at their campsite in Bhutan for any evidence of a yeti.
River Rafting
Yet another mode of transport for Josh and the crew in Hunt for the Yeti: white water rafting down a river in Bhutan.
Team Yeti
Josh speaks with Japanese mountaineer Kuniaki Yagihara about his own expedition and possible yeti sighting, plus photo evidence of a footprint and a small video clip.
Traditional Wear
Before leaving South Asia, Josh Gates gets fitted for traditional Bhutanese garb.