Trip Journal Free Review

Take a look at the review for the Trip Journal Free, a travel app that allows you to document and share your vacation experiences with real-time updates.
By: Bob Tedeschi

Cost/Platforms: Free on Apple and Android. An automated travel scribe in your pocket.

Overall Rating:travel app rating
Multiplatform:travel app rating
Lots of function for nothing:travel app rating
Fun and easy to use:travel app rating
Solves travel need or challenge:travel app rating

An automated travel scribe in your pocket.

Why we like it -- Trip journals are great to read, but they can be a lot of work to create. Trip Journal Free does much of the work for you, by recording waypoints, geo-tagging photos and videos, and dropping your pictures into a travel journal that you can further customize. You can share details of your trip as it unfolds by posting your images and videos to your Facebook wall. Or, if friends have the app, too, you can send a journal to them. If you’ve never quite been able to muster the energy to journal while on vacation, Trip Journal Free will help.

Improvements we’d like to see -- One feature automatically tracks your movements via GPS, but it sucks your battery dry if you’re not constantly plugged in. Also, you’re limited to 3 trips with the free version of the app. (Another $3 buys you the unlimited version.) Ideally, you’d be able to share the app with anyone via email -- not just those with the app -- and print full-size versions of your journal, but such features aren’t yet available.

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