Baggage Battles: Blow Up Pictures
The auction specialists attend an unclaimed crate (pod) auction in the Arizona desert, and things really heat up when one buyer tests a vintage bomb detonator using real explosives.

Blow Up
A surprised Sally Martin, after an unexpected turn of events at the auction in Tucson.
Mark Meyer puts a bull’s-eye on one of the pods up for sale in Tucson, as he peruses what's available during the auction preview.
Laurence Martin arrives at the auction.
Billy Leroy places a bid during the Tucson auction.
Mark and a competing bidder both attempt to place bids during the auction.
With his game-face on, Billy waits for a counterbid during the auction.
Laurence excitedly points to an item of interest during the auction preview.
Billy dons a black cowboy hat during the auction in Tucson.
Mark and Laurence get psyched for the auction battle in Tucson.