Ghost Adventures: George Washington Ghost Pictures
The guys search for the ghost of George Washington in the oldest home in Manhattan, and they investigate a bar where glasses fly off the shelves ... literally.

George Washington Ghost
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Nick and Aaron take a break at the main entrance of the Morris-Jumel Mansion in New York City.
The stained glass throughout the Morris-Jumel Mansion is believed to be some of the earliest surviving stained glass in a New York residence.
The Morris-Jumel Mansion served as George Washington’s headquarters during the 1776 Battle of Harlem Heights, one of the many battles of the American Revolution.
A company that documents the acoustic properties of historic buildings recorded EVPs, as well as a girl singing at the Morris-Jumel mansion. This convinced the GAC that they had to make the trip to New York City.
In 1810, Stephen Jumel and his wife Eliza Jumel purchased the house. In 1832, Stephen was badly injured in a pitchfork accident, and rumor has it that Eliza "helped" him bleed out and die in the mansion.
During their investigation, Zak, Nick and Aaron learn about the sightings of Eliza Jumel’s ghost.
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton all once walked the halls of the Morris-Jumel Mansion. Since the wooden floors are original, the wood can act as “magnetic reels” that store information from past vibrations.
Purchased by New York City in 1903 and declared a National Historic Landmark in 1961, the mansion is now a museum.
Located on a hilltop known as “Mount Morris,” the mansion provides visitors with views of the Hudson River and the Long Island Sound.
Stephen and Eliza Jumel were regular visitors to France, choosing to furnish much of the house in the French Empire style. A bed believed to have belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte remains in the mansion today.
Zak, Nick and Aaron film outside of the Morris-Jumel Mansion. During their interviews, the guys learn about all the deaths that have taken place here, but this investigation is different because some of the ghosts here may be historical figures.
Historic carriage houses line the street that leads to the Morris-Jumel Mansion.
Zak sets up a camera outside of Katie's Bar in Long Island, NY. During their investigation of the Morris-Jumel Mansion, the GAC receive a call from the owner of Katie’s Bar who hopes the guys could help get rid of the bar’s dark energy.
The owner tells the guys about Charlie Klein, the ghost who is seen the most at Katie’s Bar. His death certificate hangs on the wall downstairs at the bar, as does a very detailed newspaper article that documents Charlie’s suicide.
The bartenders share their paranormal experiences, which include being inexplicably hit by flying glasses.