Replay Video We're sorry, there seems to be an issue playing this video. Please refresh the page or try again in a moment. If you continue to have issues, please contact us here. WATCH Loading Video... Seattle's Hip Neighborhoods 01:02 Tony discusses Seattle's bar scene. From: The Layover with Seattle Similar Topics: Travel's Best Food and Drink Related Videos Seattle's Zig Zag Cafe 02:02 Tasting Spirits at Sun Liquor 06:08 Barbecued Mutton in Kentucky 02:43 Tony's Drinks of Choice 02:51 Andrew's Seattle Food Crawl 02:06 Aaron's Vlog: Kell's Pub 01:59 Ghostly Creature at Kells Pub 02:21 Jacket-Required Seattle Dining 02:40 More Videos Andrew's Sausage in Seattle 02:06 Food Culture in Seattle 04:46 Seattle's Melrose Market 02:53 Seattle's Pike Place Market 02:18 Jekyll and Hyde of Late Night 03:09 Adam Throws Down in Seattle 01:03 Seattle's Coffee Culture 02:43 Andrew's Top 5: Seattle 02:41 Pike Place's Quirky Charm 02:50 Seattle's Space Needle 02:40 All Your Serial-Killer Needs 01:29 Museum of History and Industry 02:22 Seattle's 100 Room Brothel 02:33 Shane O's Seattle Overview 02:46 Feast Fit for a Captain 02:04 Adam Takes On Onion Rings 02:05 We Recommend The Layover: Seattle Pictures 14 Photos Seattle Neighborhood Style 18 Photos Feed the Beast: Seattle Pictures 14 Photos Hidden City Seattle Pics 13 Photos Bizarre Foods America: Seattle Photos 16 Photos 10 Must-Try Seattle Restaurants 10 Photos