Baggage Battles: Shock & Awe Pictures
The team heads to the Louisiana Farm auction to bid on Americana collected for over 50 years.

Shock & Awe
Mark Meyer takes a closer look at an old trunk, one of the many items available at the Louisiana Farm auction.
During the auction preview, Laurence Martin hides in a large trunk.
Billy Leroy and Mark enjoy a brief break in the action during the auction.
At the Louisiana Farm auction preview, Laurence takes a closer look at one of the items soon to go up on the auction block.
Score! Mark ramps up the excitement as he goes through his wins from the Louisiana Farm auction.
Big laughs from Laurence and Sally as they enjoy a moment during the auction.
Laurence and Sally begin perusing their winnings following the Louisiana Farm auction.
Billy rides an off-road vehicle following the Louisiana Farm auction.
Laurence and Sally check out a pair of glass insulators they won at auction on the Louisiana Farm.
Bolt cutter at the ready, Mark prepares to gain access to one of the items he won at the auction.