These Female Paranormal Superstars Are Coming to This Year's Comic-Con at Home

Travel Channel's Wonder Women: Superstars of Paranormal panel will feature Amy Bruni (Kindred Spirits), Cindy Kaza (The Holzer Files), Chelsea Laden (Destination Fear) and Katrina Weidman (Portals to Hell).

Travel Channel’s Wonder Women: Superstars of Paranormal brings the badass women of paranormal to San Diego Comic-Con’s virtual Comic-Con@Home this summer. The powerful panel will premiere on the first day of Comic-Con, Thursday, July 23 at 1:00 p.m. PT/4:00 p.m. ET. Viewers can watch here: Comic-Con@Home.

Appearing for the first time all together are some of the biggest female stars from Travel Channel’s hit series. Watch as they share what it is like to be a fearless female force in the paranormal industry. Panelists include paranormal investigators and researchers Amy Bruni (Kindred Spirits) and Katrina Weidman (Portals to Hell), paranormal explorer Chelsea Laden (Destination Fear) and psychic medium Cindy Kaza (The Holzer Files). Fans will be inspired by their stories and get firsthand advice from a group of women who aren’t afraid of no ghosts.

Plus, during the panel, Travel Channel will reveal news and share an exclusive clip from an upcoming special that every paranormal fan will geek-out over!

Join the conversation on social using #WonderWomenTRVL, and follow @TravelChannel on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for exclusive content and updates. Visit for more about the panelists’ hit series. Follow Cindy Kaza, Amy Bruni, Katrina Weidman and Chelsea Laden on Twitter: @MediumCindyKaza, @amybruni, @KatrinaWeidman and @ChelseaLaden, and on Instagram: @MediumCindyKaza, @amybruni, @katrinaweidman and @chelsealaden.

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