Booze Traveler: Netherlands Pictures
From partying on a bike bar to visiting a bank filled with beer, Jack experiences the rich, innovative drinking history of the Netherlands.

Netherlands: Liquid Courage
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Riding the LimoBike
Jack takes a ride on the most luxurious — and only — party “LimoBike” the world has to offer.
Making New Freinds
Jack poses with some new friends while riding the LimoBike around town.
Biking Around Amsterdam
Jack fits right in by renting a bicycle to get around Amsterdam, known by many as the most bike-friendly city in the world.
Gay Pride Festival
Jack converses with 2 drag queens during the Amsterdam Gay Pride festival.
No Underwear Needed
A local man in a kilt walks away from the camera wearing a jacket that reads, "I'm not wearing any underwear today."
Sharing a Drink
Jack shares a drink with a local while learning about Amsterdam’s culture.
Toast of the Town
Jack sends a toast toward a boat full of people navigating one of the city’s many canals.
Look Ma, No Hands!
Jack takes a shot at a local bar — without using his hands.
I've Got a Secret
A local woman whispers something shocking in Jack's ear before he leaves.